The foundation

Hermann Hauser Guitar Foundation

Statutes | Foundation Board | Executive Board | Sponsors and Partners

In accordance with its statutes, the Hermann Hauser Guitar Foundation promotes science and culture in the field of guitar and lute music, concentrating on topics and initiatives that it develops itself. In this way, it draws attention to new areas of development and content on the one hand, and on the other, the foundation provides impetus for improving cultural and international cooperation.

The foundation is open to intercultural projects and also supports individual projects outside the range of funding declared by the foundation. While the Foundation's funding concept provides a fixed framework, the specific range of funding is constantly changing. Once a grant has fulfilled its stimulating purpose, it is terminated. This creates space for new ideas and funding.

As the Foundation will not take up the subject matter and concerns of completed funding projects again for the foreseeable future, this means constant change, especially in terms of content.

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The Articles of Association

Statutes of the Hermann Hauser Guitar Foundation based in Munich
Link: Statutes/PDF [404KB]

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Board of Trustees

Klaus Wolfgang Wildner Entrepreneur | Producer
Hermann Hauser Guitar maker
Franziska Schmidt Business economist
Tobias Wildner Business economist
Heidi Schmidt Managing Director
Kathrin Hauser Guitar maker

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Management Board

Augustin Wiedemann Guitarist | University teacher
Julia Wildner Business psychologist

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Main sponsor

Hauptsponsor der Hermann Hauser Guitar Foundation ist die Wildner Education Group, München.
Als Exzellenzunternehmen der deutschen Wirtschaft betreibt die Gruppe Akademien der beruflichen Weiterbildung und anteilig die Karlshochschule International University in Karlsruhe:
